The Allure
of Change
One of my favorite sayings, by the late acclaimed poet and writer Maya Angelou, is “If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.” As we all head into the 2022 versión of normality, many of us find ourselves living in completely new circumstances. For some, new jobs, homes, and pets are part of present-day reality, while others might be embarking on new chapters with weddings to celebrate. Each different from the next, these changes have one thing in common: they were manifested by way of choice. At some point, we decided to allow different opportunities into our respective lives, paving the way for personal and spiritual transformations into existences that found us smiling a little broader and shining a lot brighter.
One of Miami’s oldest neighborhoods is experiencing a dazzling renaissance of its own. Diverse and boasting a strong sense of community, historic Allapattah has evolved considerably since being established at the end of the 19th century. But Neology Life Development Group’s introduction of affordable luxury housing by way of No. 17 Residences (and myriad projects slated to follow it) is a certified game changer for the neighborhood. Allapattah will son boast over 1,000 new residents living in Neology properties, adding to the rise in interest in the area due to a bustling art scene, wow-worthy dining establishments, and delightful “shops to stop for”, which you can read more about as you flip through our pages.
(From right) Allaway Editorial Director Jenny Starr Perez, together with Creative Director Maria Galli and Maui
AllaWay has been a labor of love with an extraordinary group of individuals dedicating time and talent to making it a reality. And what a fabulous ride it’s been! A special thanks must be given to our creative team led by director Maria Galli; writers Angela Caraway Carlton, Ginger Harris, Elysze Held, Sara Liss, and Miami historian Paul S. George, PH.D.; and our colleagues at Kreps PR, whose expert advice guided us every step of the way.
Behind every successful woman is a group of successful women that have her back. I’m proud to have partnered on AllaWay with the unstoppable force that is Lissette Calderon, founder of Neology Life Development Group–a woman I have long admired. For many years, she has alchemized every Neology project into beacons of transformation for the neighborhoods in which they are erected. As she continues her rise as one of South Florida’s top real estate developers, I look forward most to witnessing her success in Allapattah, a culturally rich area that she and I both aspire to see blossom into the best that it could be — and that hope is something that will always remain the same.
Jenny Starr Perez,
Editorial Director.